Did you just leave your fertility clinic with more questions than answers? Tired of feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed by uncertainty?

Discover How to Navigate the Often Confusing and Overwhelming Process of IVF With Confidence

It's time to take control of your fertility journey so that you can focus on building the family you always dreamed of!

I want to learn more!

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the complexities of infertility, uncertain about the next steps to take, or isolated in your journey towards building a family, know that you're not alone.

Every week I work with people, just like you, who are going through the exact same problems:

  • You leave every doctor's appointment with more questions than answers and in general feel frustrated by the lack of guidance and support from your provider to help navigate this new journey.
  • Every pregnancy announcement or baby shower invite brings a wave of sadness, leaving you wondering, "When will it be my turn?"
  • You have never felt more anxious or stressed due to the pressure of making the 'right' decision.
  • You are more irritable and take your frustration out on those you love most due to the constant swinging between hope and disappointment.
  • You have less time to take care of yourself because of the time and energy you spend going down endless rabbit holes researching the latest fertility trends.

If you can relate to any of the above, what I’m about to share on this page can help you take control of your fertility journey.

But before I get into that, allow me to

introduce myself...

Hi, I'm Jessica

With over a decade of experience as an infertility PA, I've had the unique opportunity to explore both the female and male aspects of this journey. My passion lies in breaking the stigma surrounding infertility and offering a nurturing space where education empowers you with a full understanding of your fertility and the paths available for treatment. It's been an honor to share my knowledge at numerous medical conferences, enhance patient education on infertility through various platforms, and contribute as a guest lecturer in PA programs. My mission has always been to provide trustworthy information and increase awareness about infertility.

My Journey to Becoming A Fertility Consultant Started in 2012...

I've always been drawn to healthcare, with a particular interest in women's health. Yet, the idea of specializing in reproductive medicine and infertility was something I hadn't considered, mostly because, as you may know, infertility is a topic that's rarely addressed or taught in school.

In 2012, fresh from earning my Master of Physician Assistant degree, I found my calling in supporting individuals and couples through their fertility journey. I was fortunate to work alongside a leader in the field who placed the patient experience and well-being above all. However, after relocating, I discovered that the personalized care and support that I was accustomed to providing was unfortunately the exception, not the rule.

But One Day, I had This

Huge Epiphany ...

In just one month, three amazing women reached out to me, each call opening the door to a new chapter in my life. Despite having access to top-notch fertility centers, they all felt something was missing.

That's where I came in, not just as a professional but as an ally and mentor. These incredible women were facing more than just the clinical side of fertility treatments; they were dealing with the emotional ups and downs, the physical challenges, and the mental health struggles that often go unnoticed.

Being there for them, seeing them grow and overcome these hurdles, was nothing short of inspiring. This experience wasn't just a turning point for them; it was a wake-up call for me too. It highlighted what I felt was lacking in my own practice: the opportunity to really dive deep, to educate, support, and focus on the overall wellness of my patients going through infertility.

I Knew That There Was

A Better Way...

Suddenly, my path shifted. It was clear; this was about more than just consultations. It was about creating a supportive community where knowledge meets empathy, and where optimizing fertility wellness becomes a shared goal. To not only offer solutions but hope, understanding, empowerment, and practical strategies for enhancing fertility wellness.

Helping someone on their path to parenthood is a privilege that keeps me motivated every day.

It is Possible to Feel Empowered on Your Fertility Journey!

Investing in your mental health, fertility health, confidence, and empowerment is crucial when navigating your IVF cycle. That's why I encourage you to enroll in the Demystifying Your IVF Cycle™ online course today! By joining this course, you'll gain the knowledge and support necessary to confidently navigate any challenges in your IVF cycle. Don't hesitate to invest in your fertility journey – enroll now and take the first step towards courage and strength on your path to parenthood!


Are you ready to take control of your fertility journey?

Your life BEFORE the course:

  • Daunted by the prospect of undergoing invasive fertility treatments
  • Worn out from attempting to navigate this journey on your own
  • Confused about the overwhelming and conflicting advice found online
  • Frustrated by the lack of clarity and support from your fertility team on this new journey.

Your life AFTER the course:

  • New-found clarity as every step of your IVF journey has been explained.
  • Supported by a community where you're never alone
  • Empowered, having gained clear, evidence-based knowledge that aligns your journey.
  • Confident and taking an active role in your fertility journey.
I'm Ready!

A Closer Look at What's Inside...

♦ Module 1 ♦ Fertility 101 ($200 value)

♦ Module 2 ♦ Common Causes of Infertility ($100 value)

♦ Module 3 ♦ Protecting Your Natural Fertility ($400 value)

♦ Module 4 ♦ What to Expect From Your REI Appointment ($100 value)

♦ Module 5 ♦ Female Fertility Evaluation ($150 value)

♦ Module 6 ♦ Male Fertility Evaluation ($150 value)

♦ Module 7 ♦ Genetic Testing ($100 value)

♦ Module 8 ♦ Managing Your Mental Health ($250 value)

♦ Module 9 ♦ The IVF Timeline ($50 value)

♦ Module 10 ♦  IVF Protocols ($200 value)

♦ Module 11 ♦  Baseline Appointment ($150 value)

♦ Module 12 ♦  IVF Medications ($200 value)

♦ Module 13 ♦  The Egg Retrieval ($200 value)

♦ Module 14 ♦  Embryo Development ($100 value)

♦ Module 15 ♦  What Happens Next? ($100 value)

♦ Over 30 BONUS Support Handouts ♦  ($300 value)

Total Value: $2750
Learn More

In The Next Few Weeks, You Could…

  • Have a thorough understanding of all aspects of your fertility and IVF.
  • Have the knowledge and confidence to advocate for yourself in the complex world of infertility.
  • Feel empowered to take on any challenges that come your way.
  • Picture yourself embracing a journey filled with hope, where every step feels intentional and every option is explained with care—no more fear of the unknown.

Don't let the complexities of the IVF cycle hold you back from achieving your dream of growing your family!


Demystifying Your IVF Cycle™

Valued at


now only


includes lifetime access + future updates

What's Included:

♦ 15 Educational Modules with over 4 hours of on-demand videos led by an expert in the field outlining every step in the IVF process with clarity and actionable steps for you and your partner to optimize your fertility

♦ 30+ Bonus Handouts  to further support you on your journey

♦ Resource lists for every stage of your journey

♦ Demystifying Your IVF Cycle™ Guidebook will ensure that you feel supported every step of the way

♦ Lifetime access to the course + access to any BONUSES or UPDATES

♦ BONUS: discounts on 1:1 consulting through Fortitude Fertility's Complete Support Program™

Join Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Get Started With the Demystifying Your IVF Cycle™ online course

Ready to empower your fertility journey and face your IVF treatment with confidence, secure in the knowledge that you've taken every step to optimize your fertility and success?

Click the button below to be taken to our secure checkout page.

Simply enter your details there to gain complete access to Demystifying Your IVF Cycle™ online course.

You’ll be sent an email with your login details asking you to create an account, and you’ll be ready to dive into your new course within minutes.

I'm Ready to Take Control of My Fertility Journey!